It's What You Eat Health Center


How are my Body and Sound Related?
Fueled by electro-magnetic energy and organized according to a unique DNA blueprint, the various organs, glands and systems of the human body are meant to function independently, yet as a whole. The heart, lungs, pancreas and nervous system all have specialized jobs requiring specialized resources. However, to maintain health, all systems and organs must be in constant communication and interacting equitably. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop, first presenting warning symptoms and then more severe challenges. The various parts of the body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. In other words, each organ has its own keynote frequency that resonates to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for function. As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, while the liver vibrates to the note of G. Fortunately, for our sanity, the frequencies of our organs and systems function outside the range of human hearing. There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in the human body:

C   C#   D   D#   E   F   F#   G   G#   A   A#   B

The keynote frequencies found in the body are the very same frequencies found in music. And just as the note of C appears several times on a piano keyboard at varying octaves, the note of C appears many times in the body. The voice, being the composite sound of the human being, is representative of all of the frequencies in the body.

Until now, we might have been tempted to consider the human voice to be one sound, distinctive certainly from person to person, but definitely not revealing 12 individual sound frequencies. However, through the technology of VoiceBio©™, the independent frequencies can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voice print chart, giving a highly accurate indication of physical function.

With a perfect body in an ideal world, a voice print would show every one of the 12 sound frequencies registering an equal number of sound hits. That would mean a voice print of 240 overall hits, will register 20 hits in each of the frequency categories. Unfortunately, such perfection does not exist in the real world. Instead, as a result of poor lifestyle habits, genetic tendencies and environmental factors, a voice print will show a range of heavy hit categories and weak hit categories interspersed with those that are in the average range. An assessment of the heavy and weak areas of a voice print can act as a guide to improved health, regeneration and increased energy. A voice print can literally point out exactly not only why the door is locked, but also which key is needed to "unlock the door."

When an individual experiences pain, health challenges, physical deterioration or inflammation, it is because the balance of frequencies has been disturbed or interrupted by discordance. There is always an underlying cause and effect. Determining the cause that is creating the effect has long been the primary challenge of medical science. Because an individual's frequencies are scanned and measured through VoiceBio©™, this new technology can be an invaluable, non-invasive diagnostic tool.

Here is a hypothetical example that illustrates just how VoiceBio©™ works:
As is the case with so many newborns, baby Michael is first introduced to nutrients by way of a sweetened, canned formula. As he gets older, he is fed a diet laden with sugar. He drinks soda pop instead of water, eats candy instead of vegetables, and insists on macaroni and cheese for dinner every evening. The parents wonder why their son has frequent ear infections and suffers from airborne allergies as well as poor concentration in school. But the mystery of the ear infections and poor academic performance can be quickly solved with a 5 minute voice print. This child has been putting undue stress on pancreatic function since the day he was born. Not surprisingly, his voice print shows heavy frequency hits in the note of F, the vibration of the pancreas. Not coincidentally, F is also the frequency of the ears. Relieve excess F stress from this child's system through nutritional support and lifestyle changes, and he is likely to enjoy better health overall.

While organs and systems within an individual's body share energy and communication, so too do people living together within a relationship or family unit. In fact, individuals who have long-term physical imbalances will often attract those who have opposite imbalances. (Yes, that may mean you fell in love with your husband for his F# frequency!) Whenever the opposites are together, they will feel more complete because each is filling in a missing frequency for the other. Such a dynamic is not the ideal, since individual balance offers the most strength. However, this factor does explain why one spouse will find it difficult to get healthier if the other is not willing to do the same. This also explains why partners in an abusive, co-dependent relationship keep going back to each other. They are "medicating" each other by providing missing sound frequencies.

Everything in the Universe functions through sound vibration. Because VoiceBio©™ accurately reveals the frequency patterns of the body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding and realizing optimal physical health.